Travelling to Spain
For al passengers It is mandatory to fill in, 24 hours before departure, the "public health form", through the website or the Spain Travel Health-SPTH app, obtaining a QR code to be presented (on mobile or printed device) at check-in upon arrival in Spain.
Spanish health requirements depend on a risk assessment made on the basis of the country or area of origin. The risk assessment is subject to a weekly review and the list can be found at this link in section RISK COUNTRIES/AREAS. Spanish authorities request that all passengers arriving in Spain from a country / zone of risk listed in above link by air or sea, must have a valid health certificate to enter Spain, which can be one of the following:
- A COVID19 vaccination certificate
- A certificate of SARSCoV2 diagnostic test (PCR, RT-LAMP, ANTIGENIC) with negative result, carried out within 48 hours before arrival in Spain. Passengers will still have to show their Covid-19 test at the airport at the check-in counters at the airport (digital or printed format).
- A COVID-19 recovery certificate
Children under 12 years of age are exempted from what above, however they must have the QR code obtained after completing the health control form.
Travelling from Spain to Italy
Please check all the requirements for passengers arriving in Italy from abroad as written at the top of this page (see NEW: RETURN TO ITALY FROM ABROAD).
Please remember to fill out the online self-certification before departure by entering the MY BOOKING section or WEB CHECK IN section from the home page starting 48 hours before the flight
We remind you that it is your responsibility to check the websites of the relevant authorities as the most recent government information may not be included on our website.
Gobierno de Espana:
Viaggiare Sicuri: